Saturday, April 19, 2008

Amazing Bird - It quacks like a duck

Are you a duck or a drake? Some people use "duck" specifically for adult females and "drake" for adult males.

Duck is the common name for a number of species in the family of birds, are mostly aquatic birds, mostly smaller than their relatives the swans and geese and may be found in both fresh water and sea water.

Most ducks have a wide flat beak adapted for dredging. They exploit a variety of food sources such as grasses, aquatic plants, fish, insects, small amphibians and worms.

The expression "quacks like a duck" is sometimes a short form for "It looks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, it swims like a duck, so it's a duck." The truth is that a duck's quack does, in fact, echo; however, it may be difficult to hear.

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