Thursday, April 24, 2008

Fashion - Ultra low hip-hugging jeans

In the long and varied history of fashion, this may be the worst. But these ultra low-rise, crotch-clutching jeans are virtually guaranteed to provoke a stampede from the usual shameless Z-listers best known for flashing their derrieres in public and is worryingly reminiscent of the late-lamented g-string hitched above trousers fad, beloved of the style-free worldwide.

Frock horror: The low-rise jeans complete with bikini bottom are only for the very svelte. Most frightening of all, the ensemble is only held up by an elasticated thong or ribbon. It should come as no surprise that the clothing company behind the bikini jeans is based in Brazil, famed for its hordes of svelte, cellulite-free glamazons.

Unforgiving: The bikini bottoms are held up with ribbon ties at the sides and designers decided to introduce the designs as customers wanted very low trousers - but had difficulty keeping them up.

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